What To Expect

Day Before Surgery

DO Arrange for someone to remain with you for 24 hours after surgery.
DO Arrange for a responsible adult to accompany you to Complete Surgery Houston Northwest and drive you home after surgery.
DO NOT bring other children. Please make arrangements for childcare.
DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before surgery.
DO NOT take any aspirin or medication containing aspirin 24 hours before surgery, unless instructed otherwise.
DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery unless otherwise instructed. This includes gum, cough drops, lozenges, hard candy, coffee, tea or water. If you do not follow this rule, your procedure may be delayed or rescheduled.

Day of Surgery

DO shower or bathe the morning of surgery or night before surgery. DO NOT use powders, lotions, creams or oils. Deodorants may be used.
DO wear comfortable clothing that you can change easily and will not bind the site of your surgery.
DO bring your insurance card, drivers license or other form of picture ID to Complete Surgery Houston Northwest.
DO arrive at Complete Surgery Houston Northwest 1 1/2 hours before surgery, unless instructed otherwise.
DO NOT wear jewelry, watches or wedding rings.
DO NOT wear contact lenses

*Dentures and hearing aids may be worn.
Light makeup may be worn, except if having facial or eye surgery.

After Surgery




Drive any vehicle



Operate any machinery



Make any important decisions



Assume responsibility for care of others



Take sleeping pills or tranquilizers without doctor permission



Perform strenuous activity until advised by your surgeon
  • Expect to spend approximately 60-90 minutes in the Recovery Room and additional time in the Post Recovery area for care and instructions before going home.
  • Nurses and physicians will answer your questions and go over your post-surgical instructions. You will receive a written copy of the instructions. Please follow them carefully.
  • Follow your post-operative instructions. Failure to follow your surgeons instructions could postpone your recovery time.
  • One of our nurses will call you the day following your surgery to make sure that you are recovering comfortably.